Farsi, river-building, and new friends meet Isabel…

We were busy today! Friends constructed a river with Mary complete with animal bridges. We enjoyed bringing cups of water to and fro from the hose as well as playing with our animals in the pools of water. 

Isabel joined us today for a bit. A couple friends had yet to meet her and they had a good time getting acquainted.

Mary taught us the Farsi word for “hello” which is “salam” and she also taught us how to write it, سلام! We’re excited to continue learning more words in Farsi. Mary also speaks Turkish, so we have a lot of new things to learn. :)

We also read a few of our favorite books, including Thank You, Omu! By Oge Mora. 

Friends noticed we now have a branch hanging from the classroom rafters that is on a pulley system (thanks to my friend, Jeff) that we will explore once we return to inside play.