Black Brown Beautiful: Week 2

Today we moved further into our Black Brown Beautiful project by beginning to think about our unique shades of brown. We took a look into the mirrors at the painting table and also viewed art by Angelica Dass who created a global look at skin tones by photographing people from every continent and matching their skin tones to Pantone shades. She calls her project: Humanae. There is a wonderful Ted talk available on youtube where she describes her vision, her project, and how others are using her project to educate. It’s stunning.

The Ted talk available here:

To go deeper into her project go here:

Along with photos from Humane, and the mirrors, we offered watercolors and explored the idea of mixing various shades of brown with the watercolors. It was such fun to watch the kids experiment, notice, and create. 

We continued thinking about all of the unique shades of brown we have and see in others at circle time. First we thought back to last week when we read Black is Beautiful by Ann McGovern. Friends were excited to exclaim, “Black is beautiful!” Elliot remembered the “zig zag” words describing a lightning bolt in a black sky. 

We then read the poem and photo book, My People by Langston Hughes. It was fun to watch the faces of friends light up with smiles as we read and viewed closeup joyful portraits of people with glowing black and brown skin. 

This week we’ll begin to explore the science behind skin tones.