Stick insect anatomy, garden tending, and outside shenanigans

Today we further explored the anatomy of insects: specifically stick and leaf bugs. A number of friends gathered around the large drawing of the stick bug and asked about the word cutouts. We read the question written on the paper: Can you find the head, thorax, abdomen, six legs, two antennae and the compound eyes? V remembered where to find the abdomen on a stick insect. R found the antennae and F found the compound eyes. We all worked together to count the six legs. We talked about the thorax and noticed all of the insect’s legs are attached to it. 

At circle time we again sang our insect anatomy song and discussed compound eyes. I walked around the circle with a detailed photo of a stick insect compound eye. We noticed all of its facets and talked about the tiny hairs that grow between the facets used for sensing. We then revisited our stick bug yoga. 

We tended to our community garden again today. We noticed some more seeds have sprouted while some others are still hiding in the soil. We gave them all a good spritz and then planted an oregano and sage start in our garden beds. 

We had a silly time outside again today, complete with wearing buckets on our heads and dancing to La Bamba (per request).